Watching Kibi's World

(I'll update the art with new promotional pieces, but for now here's gameplay art!)

What is this game about?

Kibitzer is a silly green person who has been living with a curse of sorts, and this game is about their journey to find a cure once and for all! Accompanied by a famous face on a screen, a responsible(?) adult, and the useless items they pick up, Kibitzer kinda... isn't confident about this. But they frankly have no other option.

What platforms will it be available on?

I am coding the game with PC in mind, and I don't expect it to be converted to any other gaming platform unless I miraculously get noticed by a console company and get offered a spot in their store.

When will it be finished?

I really have no idea yet! I'm developing this game solo—that includes art, animations, code, and I don't even know what I'm doing about music yet—while working a full time job. Soooo it'll come out when it does!

Do you post updates on progress?

YES! That's what all the social media links are for. I post on all of them, but I will usually drop them into the Discord server first, and I'm also available to talk to often on there.

How much will it cost?

I haven't decided yet.

Where can I buy it?

I'm thinking either Steam or, but it's not decided.